This is the boundary map zoomed in. Note that the bright line added breaks out
Zone 1 naturally in relation to where the storm/surface water actually flows,
south, and does not significantly influence the three creek fishery as described
in the Critcal Species Habitat LID. Also see the upper links under *MAPS*
listed in the navigation sidebar for further clarification.

If you follow the city boundary south (down) you will note just how un-natural
the city line is. It delineates jurisdiction, not natural features. Zone 1 is
part of the Fitzgerald subarea not because of its nature but by association-
inclusion. If Zone 1 had been tested, studies done, this fact would have been
treated fairly. Note PIT TESTS left in the navigation sidebar under *MAPS*.

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* For desktop/laptop users - Place cursor over emboldened text, colored 
and/or underlined, for explanations.
Bothell City Boundary Map